Monday, January 24, 2011


I am SO excited!! I have my first Follower!
Thanks Lacey!
You follow me and I'll follow you!
I have an idea...after I have 25 followers I will randomly choose one and mail them a thank you gift! So sign up!!

Activities for Kids

When we were in college with the kids I felt like everything was a rush. Not that we were that busy, what I mean is a rush to see whose kid was potty trained first or whose kid knew the alphabet better. Since graduating and moving away I have learned so much more. I now see that what is important is the relationship I build with my children. Time that I spend with them teaches them that I'm here for them and that they can come to me. Meanwhile I am also teaching. When we clean together they are learning responsibility. When we watch a show together I am rubbing their hair and showing them love. When we do activities together we are learning colors and shapes together. I don't know why I made it so hard on me and them in the past forcing them to sit and recite lessons. No fun!

Here is a list of things that you can do with kids for free or little money. Let me know if you can think of more ideas so I can add to the list!

color pictures
sing songs
read a book
watch a learning show
cook together
go for a walk
play at the park
go to the library
make a craft with things you have around the house
let him/her play in the bath
turn on music and dance
make a fort with blankets
walk around looking for shapes or colors
clean together
take time to let the child dress himself/herself
Make decorations for the upcoming holiday
Look at pictures or watch videos of the past
Plant a garden/houseplant
Find out about free movie theater days or free museum days
Start a playgroup/invite a friend over to play
Do something or make something nice for Daddy when he comes home
Act out what different animals do
Go on a nature walk
Make sock puppets/paper bag puppets
Color with sidewalk chalk

Why Blog?

A few years I decided to make big changes in my life. I read this scripture...

Doctrine and Covenants 88:119...

Organize yourselves;
Prepare every needful thing;
and establish a house,
even a house of prayer,
a house of fasting,
a house of faith,
a house of learning,
a house of glory,
a house of order,
a house of God.
I love that this scripture encompasses everything in my life that I want to simplify and bring to order.
I am writing this blog as I learn and make changes so forgive me when I make mistakes and encourage me when you know better!
These are a few topics I would like to cover...
Nutrition/Recipes/Menu Planning
Budget/Money Saving Ideas
Organizing your home
Saving Time
Earth Friendly Ideas
I am sure there will be more ideas as I go. So we're off on this simplify!